Friday, February 20, 2009

The Shadow List

As you regular visitors have already noticed, Blogger has something against my blog, although it doesn't host any illegal files, it hosts links to pages that host said files. I don't see how it is forbidden, because blogger has nothing to do with those files and i might as well post the list on forums or some arbitrary web site. And that's exactly what i'm going to do.
And this will make keeping an eye on the updates simpler for you, as well. As i add new albums to the list, i upload the list to an arbitrary site and just link the list here. So that way, blogger can't really complain because it doesn't host links to illegal files, it hosts links to different versions of the list.
I strongly suggest saving the list on your pc (Ctrl + S), so you can at least enjoy the albums already on the list, if money-making-people do succeed in taking this whole act of liberating hip-hop music down.

The Shadow List / 2009-03-17 / 1291 links / 1219 albums [temporary sharebee link]


  1. your efforts are still greatly appreciated.

  2. Equinne sentiments are echoed through this sentence.

  3. yeah just wanted to say I appreciate the list, most of the downloaded stuff I've taken was just a random download, and I ended up buying most of it so thanks!

  4. Awesome collection man, I just took a chance on a few of these, and downloaded them randomly. It's such a delight to hear new and fresh artists. I'm sure most of them won't mind the exposure you're giving them. The shadow list will keep us heads busy for a long time, you are a legend my friend.

  5. Incredible!!!Amazing!!
    thx a lot,i already got a lot of them,but i found some to commplete my hown list!
    Thx again

  6. Are you still around these days? You've got great taste in music. Really appreciate what you're doing.

  7. Hopefully i can buy an ide-box during coming months and continue filling the Shadow List.
